Thursday, August 25, 2011

We Love Ragged Mountain Running Shop!

We're excited to announce that Ragged Mountain Running Shop will be giving customers who bring in a coat to donate to the Big Warm Up a discount on their purchase! Not only will our neighbors benefit from a warmer winter with your donation, but now you can get a little something too :) This is a great way to holiday shopping for your favorite runner!

Monday, August 15, 2011

And the Thank Yous Begin!

It's not even fall yet and coats and other donations are already rolling in!
We've already received 15 coats for this year's drive PLUS wrapping paper donations from Billie Campbell, Dawn Catlee, Karen Reifenberger. Thank you, Ladies! And thank you to a fourth mystery person who dropped paper off at MACAA.

This year we're taking donations of wrapping paper as well as coats and jackets to decorate our donation boxes, so send any you may our way!

And thanks again!